• 2022-05-27
    Please pay___to what I say.
    A: money
    B: attention
    C: need
    D: hearing
  • B


    • 0

      中国大学MOOC: What are the tips that you need to pay attention to when you’re making a self-introduction?

    • 1

      The money I’ve saved ________ roughly to what I need for my course.

    • 2

      Pay attention please, ___ of you want to attend the party? A: w ho B: w hi ch C: w ho m D: what

    • 3

      What are tips on Chinese gift-giving mentioned in the micro-lecture? A: To the taste of the recipient B: Pay attention to the packing C: Say No to gifts with ominous meanings D: All of the above.

    • 4

      Can you put the money into my bank account, please? I need it __________. A: urgently B: urgent C: rare D: Rarely