• 2022-05-27
    If these different assessment methods _____on the same conclusion, then we can have greater confidence in their outcome.
  • converge


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      From this passage, we can learn about<br/>____________. A: how to greet people in China. B: different countries have different languages. C: people greet each other in the same way. D: different ways of greeting.

    • 1

      中国大学MOOC: 9. We can draw a conclusion that Greek gods are almost the same with human beings in_______________.

    • 2

      Our minds and mouths work at different rates, we can speak and process the information at the same time.

    • 3

      When reading the short story, we can gain the same satisfactions as when reading a novel, but with greater speed, ( ), and even variety.

    • 4

      Our bodies have greater ( ) than most of us realize, and we can benefit by remembering this.