• 2022-05-27
    Main channels in Britain include_______.
    A: BBC1 and BBC2, and ITV1, Channel 4 and Channel 5 services.
    B: ITV 3 and ITV 2
    C: FOX, ABC and NBC
    D: Channel 3 and Channel 4
  • A


    • 0

      1.In the customs inspection place, there are three channels set up for passengers to go through customs: "Having-things-to-declare Channel" and "Nothing-to-declare channel” and Not-sure Channel".

    • 1

      2 Another word for "channel" in the phrase "sales channel" is: (2.2)

    • 2

      下面关于Channel的类型包括( )。 A: Network Channel B: Array Channel C: File Channel D: Memory Channel

    • 3

      下列哪个不属于flume的channel类型()。 A: Memory Channel B: File Channel C: JDBC Channel D: HDFS Channel

    • 4

      Medicinals which can treat the cough usually act on A: The spleen channel B: The lung channel C: The liver channel D: The heart channel E: The kidney channel