• 2022-05-27
    According to the movie clip, 1.__________ (movie name) is No. 1 on the list, and it was first released in 2.________(which year?).
  • Titanic# 1997


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      A movie genre is a kind of movie which is hilarious and makes people laugh a lot, and what is its name? ( ) A: Fantasy B: Drama C: Comedy D: Animation

    • 1

      Movie critics say that the plot of the movie released last week is too ______. A: predict B: predicting C: predictable D: predictably

    • 2

      In the movie, the name Moana means().

    • 3

      What does the movie clip of Modern Times try to convey?

    • 4

      According to the video,what is the movie’s name? A: freshman B: legally blonde C: the parents trap D: the mean girl