• 2022-05-27
    —Are you still there—Yes, the storm prevented us ______ yesterday.
    A: leave
    B: to leave
    C: from leaving
    D: of leaving
  • C


    • 0

      Hurry up! You must _____ now. A: left B: leave C: leaving D: to leave

    • 1

      The train from this station________ on time. A: never leaves B: will never leave C: is never leaving D: was never leaving

    • 2

      He was forbidden __________ the house, as a punishment. A: leaving B: to leave C: of leaving D: on leaving

    • 3

      Peter, together with his parents and sister, ________ for Japan next Friday. A: are to leave B: are leaving C: is leaving D: leave

    • 4

      ________ the building quickly, but ________ use the lift. A: Leave; don’t B: Leaving; don't C: Leave; not D: Leaving; not