According to the roles the host plays in the lifecycle of the parasite, the host can be divided into ( )
A: Definitive hosts
B: Intermediate hosts
C: Reservoir hosts
D: Paratenic hosts and vectors
A: Definitive hosts
B: Intermediate hosts
C: Reservoir hosts
D: Paratenic hosts and vectors
- 配置主机名和IP地址映射的文件位置是() A: /home/hosts B: /usr/local/hosts C: /etc/hosts D: /etc/host
- 在流行病学上人兽共患寄生虫病中的动物宿主属于 A: definitive host B: intermediate host C: reservoir host D: paratenic host E: 以上都不是
- 猪是猪肉绦虫的何种宿主 A: paratenic host B: intermediate host and final host C: final host D: reservoir host E: intermediate host
- The reason why they are not coming is______. A: because they are angry with the hosts B: that they are mad at the hosts C: that they arc angry to the hosts D: because they are mad at the hosts
- Linux的DNS服务是下列哪个() A: host B: hosts C: bind D: vsftp