A: first-year student
B: second-year student
C: third-year student
- Lin is a ______ Chinese student at the university. A: first-year B: third-year C: fourth-year D: second-year
- a student in their first year at university: ______
- The student of the universities in the second year are called ____.
- Liu Jun is a ______. A: first-year student B: second-year student C: marketing majo
- a student in his third year at college is called a________. A: junior B: senior
- 0
Passage 1According to the author, when does a college student meet his/her first conflict with their roommate? A: The 1st year at college. B: The 2nd year at college. C: The 3rd year at college. D: The 4th year at college.
- 1
A student in his or her second year at college is called ( ). A: a freshman B: a senior C: a sophomore D: a junior
- 2
下面结构体的定义如下:struct student{ char name[32]; struct date{ int day; int month; int year; }birthday;};错误的初始化语句是: A: struct student s1={'Li',1,1,2000}; B: struct student s1={"Li",{1,1,2000}}; C: struct student s1={"Li",1,1,2000}; D: struct student s1={"Li",1,1};
- 3
下面结构体的定义如下:struct student{ char name[32]; struct date{ int day; int month; int year; }birthday;};错误的初始化语句是: A: struct student s1={'Li',1,1,2000}; B: struct student s1={"Li",{1,1,2000}}; C: struct student s1={"Li",1,1,2000}; D: struct student s1={"Li",1,1};
- 4
Last year, Li Hua, a college student, _______ to work for the Olympic Games. A: is choosing B: is chosen C: was choosing D: was chosen