- In American literature,the eighteen century was the age of the Enlightenment. was the dominant spirit. A: Humanism B: Rationalism C: Revolution D: Evolution
- The stream of eighteenth century American literature manifested an obvious transitionfrom puritanismto the Enlightenment.
- In<br/>American Literature, the eighteenth century was an Age of<br/>(_________)<br/>and Revolution. A: Faith B: Religion C: Passion D: Reason
- The eighteenth century England is also known as the Age of Enlightenment or the Age of ______. A: Intellect B: Reason C: Rationality D: Science
- In American literature, the 18th century was an age of and Revolution.
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In American literature, the 18th century was an age of reason and revolution.
- 1
Which of the following is not true of the eighteenth century and its literature? A: It is called the age of neoclasscism as the authors of this time modelled their styles on those of classcial writers. B: The eighteenth century celebrates reason, rationality, and order. C: It advocates the free expressions of an individual's feelings and experiences in literature. D: The literature of this age is mainly didactical in its tone.
- 2
A principal feature of eighteenth century American literature was its _____________. A: prose tendency B: Utilitarian tendency C: magazines D: novel
- 3
The spirit of the Romantic Age of American literature is ___. A: retrospect of American pastoral life B: understanding and sympathy to the poor C: affirmation of American identity D: criticism of industrialization and urbanization
- 4
The seat of France's North American holdings in the eighteenth century was Quebec, and the French heritage — dominant there.() A: to remain B: remaining C: by remaining D: has remained