• 2022-05-27
    Floods(洪水), droughts(旱灾), earthquakes, and plane accidents are all disasters.
    A: bad things t that happen
    B: good things that happen
    C: natural things that happen
    D: accidents caused by humans
  • A


    • 0

      We must do everything possible to prevent such things from ________ again. A: happening B: to happen C: being happened D: happen

    • 1

      A loss of jobs is one of the things that will _______ if the process is automated. A: consequence B: happen

    • 2

      A third person narrative is more objective, but it is not easy to put in good order things that happen to different people in different places.

    • 3

      在自由放任的理念之下,政府的角色应该是make things happen而不是make things。

    • 4

      A( ) is a plan showing when things will happen in the future. A: journey B: shift C: schedule