• 2022-05-27
    They will be taught what to do _______ natural disasters or terrorist attacks.
  • in case of


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      What is the purpose of the program mentioned in this passage() A: To predict natural disasters that can cause vast destruction. B: To limit the destruction that natural disasters may cause. C: To gain financial support from the United Nations. D: To propose measures to hold back natural disasters.

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      What are the effects of natural disasters? A: Homelessness B: Destruction of houses C: Damage to property D: All the above.

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      other natural disasters in the two countries

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      What disaster lists the top of natural disasters? ( )。 A: Meteorological disasters. B: Biological disasters. C: Geographical disasters. D: Environmental pollutions.

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      natural disasters means A: tian is evil B: temporary deflection from the essential harmony of the universe C: nothing to do with human D: God is angry