• 2022-05-27
    A: mix
    B: toss
    C: fling
    D: eat
  • B


    • 0

      As we know, college is a ( ). A: unique mix of future and stability B: universal mix of education and preparation C: unique mix of freedom and responsibility D: universal mix of success and confidence

    • 1

      Donot()metohelpyouunlessyouworkharder. A: expect B: hope C: depend D: think

    • 2

      DONOT,REPEAT,NOTOVER-TAKEmeansthatyoushould(). A: overtake B: notovertake C: overtakeornot D: decideifyoushouldovertake

    • 3

      ______ dogs donot bite. A: barking B: jumping C: speaking D: taliking

    • 4

      Ifyouhaveanyquestions,donot ( ) toaskme. A: othe B: hesitate C: come D: wait