• 2022-05-27
    Mrs. White has _____ that she is not able to get a job.
  • so little education


    • 0

      Questions 22-25 are based on a job interview. What can we learn about the woman from the conversation A: She has just graduated from university. B: She became an assistant manager a few years ago. C: She will certainly get the job. D: She has problems of authority.

    • 1

      After going to dozens of job interviews, she eventually _______ to get a job. A: gained B: succeeded C: managed D: achieved

    • 2

      Mrs. White has a hard time because she has six children() A: look after B: to be looked after C: to look after D: looking after

    • 3

      Mrs. White asks the cashier ________ she should pay.

    • 4

      ____ she will probably get the job.