• 2022-05-26
    中国大学MOOC: Opening your speech with a lengthy quotation is a sure way to set your audience exited.
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      You can help your audience remember your speech by making your speech as difficult as possible.

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      Your speech could be welcomed and accepted by your audience only if it is _______.

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      Printing your visual aid in all capital letters is a good way to make sure it will be easy for the audience to read.

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      中国大学MOOC: If your specific purpose statement were “To inform my audience about the different layers of the atmosphere,” you would probably organize your speech in __________ order.

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      When the general purpose of a speech is to inform, your aim is to ________. A: enhance the knowledge and understanding of your audience B: change the attitude of your audience C: change the actions of your audience D: win over your audience to your point of view