• 2021-04-14
    Biographical style
  • 纪传体


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      How do you understand APA style?? APA style is one citation style by American Publication Association.|APA style is one citation style by American Press Association.|APA style is one citation style by American Psychological Association.|APA Style is one citation style by American Promotion Association.

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      A biographical narrative essay is usually developed in chronological order or the order of the figure’s professional development. A: 正确 B: 错误

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      ‎ CSS 指的是?‏ A: Colorful Style Sheets B: Computer Style Sheets C: Cascading Style Sheets D: Creative Style Sheets

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      CSS 指的是( ) 。 A: Computer Style Sheets B: Creative Style Sheets C: Cascading Style Sheets D: Creative Sheets Style

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      What is the basic style of the official art academy in the Qing Dynasty?( ) A: Fresh and natural style B: Luxurious and elegant style C: Quiet and light style D: Style with abundant interest and charm