• 2022-05-26
    Situated in Huayin County, 120 kilometers east from Xi'an City of Shaanxi Province, Mount Huashan is known as most _________ Mountain under Heaven.
  • precipitous###dangerous


    • 0

      Hong Kong, with an area of 1071.8 square kilometers, is situated _____ the south of the Chinese mainland, neighboring Shenzhen City and 130 kilometers away from Guangzhou City of Guangdong Province.

    • 1

      Mount Hua,[input=type:blank,size:10][/input]is located in Huayin City, is 120 kilometers away from Xi'an. 未知类型:{'label': 'questionDesc', 'content': '请在横线处填入合适的词。', 'isMemberControl': 0, 'type': 181} 未知类型:{'label': 'source', 'content': '2017年12月 四级 卷一 翻译', 'isMemberControl': 0, 'type': 181}

    • 2

      What do “Five Great Mountains” refer to Mount Taishan, ____, ____, ____, and Mount Hengshan (of Shanxi Province). A: Mount Huashan B: Mount Songshan C: Mount Hengshan (of Hunan Province)

    • 3

      用英语来表达地址“河南省,安阳市,滑县,人民路28号” A: Henan province, Anyang City, Huaxian county, Renmin Road No.28 B: No.28Renmin Road, Huaxian county,Anyang City,Henan province

    • 4

      ‌Address units in English should be put in ascending order, therefore, the order should be:‌ A: city, county, province, town, village. B: village, county, town, city, province. C: village, town, county, city, province. D: /