• 2022-05-26
    Which of the following sentences does NOT mean the movie is funny?
    A: The movie is full of gags.
    B: The movie has a lot of punch-lines.
    C: The movie cracks me up.
    D: This is a A-list movie.
  • D


    • 0

      which types of movies are good for learning English?(注:多项选择) A: action movie B: documentary movie C: thriller movie D: affectional movie

    • 1

      According to the movie clip, 1.__________ (movie name) is No. 1 on the list, and it was first released in 2.________(which year?).

    • 2

      [听力原文]W: Did you see the movie last night in the new cinemaM: Yes. I’ve never seen a better film in my life. What does the man mean() A: He didn’t see the movie. B: The movie could have been better. C: The movie is the most wonderful movie he’s ever seen. D: The movie is the worst one he’s ever seen.

    • 3

      The following are words about Movie. Match the types of movie with its characteristic.

    • 4

      Which one of the following is not a Kung Fu movie?