A: need
B: plan
C: practicality
D: satisfaction
A: need
B: plan
C: practicality
D: satisfaction
- Inaspeechseekingtopersuadehisaudiencetodonateblood,Ianexplainedhowlittletimethedonationprocesswouldtakefromtheirbusyschedules.WhichofthethreebasicissuesofpersuasivespeechesonquestionsofpolicydidIanaddressinthispartofhisspeech? A: need B: action C: motivation D: practicality
- What are the 5 steps of the Monroe Sequence?? 1.) Attention 2.)Satisfaction 3.)Need 4.)Visualiztion,5.)Action|1.) Attention 2.) Need 3.)Satisfaction 4.)Visualiztion,5.)Action|1.) Satisfaction 2.) Action 3.) Attention 4.) Need 5.) Visualization|1.) Need 2.) Visualization 3.) Action 4.) Satisfaction 5.)Attention
- The five steps of the motivated sequence are() A: Gain attention B: Establish need C: Satisfy the need D: Visualize the satisfaction E: Call to action
- You need to make a plan—and __________ to it.
- The five steps of Monroe’s motivated sequence are attention, need, satisfaction, _________________ and action.