• 2022-05-26
  • 流逝liúshì[(time)elapse;passes]时间消逝;悄悄逝去好几小时静静地流逝了流失liúshī[runoff;bewashedaway]∶有用的物质散失掉或被风、水带走水土流失[goaway;leave]∶离开原单位另谋职业人才流失流石liúshí[stonesdownthestreaminthevalley]山谷中被水冲下的石头从流石蛇行.——《徐霞客游记·游黄山记》流食liúshí[slop]稀薄的饮料或稀软食物(如牛奶、稀饭等)流矢liúshǐ[flyingorstrayarrow]飞箭或来源不明的箭.也叫“流箭”


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      Many prominent historical figures like________ and Su Shi achieved the Jin Shi degree in the Imperial Examination.

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      Opening China's deli age, the inventor of Chinese artificial fire was ( ). A: A. Suiren Shi B: B. Shennong Shi C: C. Yellow Emperor D: D. Fuxi Shi

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      yào shi

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      10.chéng shi( )

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      如:我要查找Shi Y在Nature或Science上发表的论文,规范的检索语言是哪一个?( ) A: Shi Y[AU] AND Nature OR Science[Journal] B: Shi Y[AU] AND (Nature[Journal] OR Science[Journal]) C: Shi Y[AU] AND Nature[Journal] OR Science[Journal] D: Shi Y[AU] AND (Nature OR Science)[Journal]