• 2022-05-26
    There are 4 basic elements in a research report or paper: Problem
    Section, _____ Section, Results Section and Discussion Section.
    A: Objectives
    B: Procedures
    C: Abstract
    D: References
  • B


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      Results section is different from Discussion section in that Results section A: results describes the facts and data. B: results interpret findings. C: results are interpretive. D: results highlight the significance of the findings.

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      The function of the Results section is to report the results of a research in an accurate, unbiased, and complete way.

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      The method section of a research paper provides the methods and procedures used in a research study or experiment.

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      The abstract section can work as the decided part of a research paper to be published or not. ( )

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      The discussion section can be combined with the result section. A: 正确 B: 错误