• 2022-05-27
    Clearly, from the schools’ perspective, there’s a lot of money to be saved.Perspective means ______
    A: impact
    B: impression
    C: view
    D: motivation
  • C


    • 0

      What two types of projections give a pictorial view of the object without convergence? A: orthographic and perspective B: oblique and axonometric C: perspective and oblique D: isometric and orthographic

    • 1

      In Michael’s perspective, you’d better express your creative ideas in the way that is clearly and ______________delivered.( ) A: audible B: illustrate C: chronologically D: combine

    • 2

      You must keep things________ the overall situation isn't really that bad. A: in perspective B: in position C: from perspective D: in mind

    • 3

      From Prof. Lv's perspective, in negotiating and doing business with foreigners, it's not a right or wrong thing, it's more like().

    • 4

      I found myself trying to put my feelings about him . A: perspective B: into perspective C: out of perspective D: onto perspective