• 2022-05-27
    Which one is an appropriate way to start a summary?
    A: The author suggests...
    B: This article shows that...
    C: It is suggested that...
    D: This article focuses on the topic of...
  • D


    • 0

      Which one of the following topic is not an appropriate speech topic?

    • 1

      Which of the following best describes the tone of the author in writing this article?

    • 2

      In the article How are boys and girls brought up, the author tried to make a distinction between boys and girls on 3 points, which sentence below is not the topic sentence?

    • 3

      Which one is NOT useful when you previewing an article?

    • 4

      ​Which of the following statements is correct about summary?‍ A: The gist of the article is excluded in a summary. B: The gist of the article is included in a summary. C: Interpretations and comments are used in a summary. D: No details can be used in a summary.