• 2022-05-27
    He ______ that it had nothing to do with him. But no one trusted in him.
    A: appealed
    B: begged
    C: claimed
    D: exerted
  • C


    • 0

      'Had you already met him?' She asked me ... A: whether had I already met him. B: if I already met him. C: if I'd already met him.

    • 1

      中国大学MOOC: He felt he had done a good deed, but his teacher didn’t praise him; __________he scolded him.

    • 2

      What does Catherine do with Edgar? A: She agrees to marry him. B: She runs away with him. C: She rejects him for Heathcliff. D: She sets him up with her cousin.

    • 3

      Mike______withthecaptaintoabandontheshipbeforeitwastoolate. A: claimed B: pleaded C: appealed D: begged

    • 4

      What will the doctor do for him A: Pull the tooth. B: Operate on him. C: Fill the tooth.