• 2022-05-28
    MLA格式中的参考文献部分写作Works Cited 或者Bibliography。
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      电影的参考文献格式 Only one of the following MLA works cited entries is handled correctly. Select the correct answer. The student has quoted dialogue from the 1972 film The Godfather, starring Marlon Brando and A1 Pacino and directed by Francis Ford Coppola. The Film was distributed by Paramount.

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      In paper MLA style, when citing magazine articles, months except for_______________ are abbreviated in Works Cited and in parenthetical citations but not in the text of a paper.

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      For a source with an author, its entry in a MLA “Works Cited” list should start with_______. A: the title of the author B: the given name of the author C: the family name of the author

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      一款参考文献管理软件通常具备的基本功能有哪些?( )。 A: 保存和管理用户的文献。 B: 可方便地从一种参考文献格式自动修改成另一种格式。 C: 论文写作时可以边写作边引用,自动生成准确的参考文献格式。 D: 随用户增删参考文献自动更新文献。

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      参考文献和引注文献,即关于bibliography和references的说法正确的是?? 在引注文献的使用上,鼓励使用原始文献,即第一手文献|参考文献总体的数量要大于等于引用文献|为写作过程做准备的文献为引用文献|选择文献,需要选择具有准确性、权威性、可靠性的参考文献