• 2022-05-27
    ____“Four Books and Five Classics” contain how an individual should live his life and interact with others, and the forms of society and government in which he should participate.
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      Which of the following does Taoism promote? A: that a person should obey family and social order B: that a person should live a simple life C: that a person should respect the ethical relations of men

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      4. How many stanzas are there in this poem? And which stanza is different from others in rhyming scheme? A: A. five/four B: B. four/four C: C. four/three D: D. four/two

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      Listen to the conversation Looking Back on One’s Life and choose the best answer to complete each of the statements. A: He should have made a million dollars. B: He should have set up his own family. C: He should have had a child or two. D: He should have had his own career.

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      Which of the following books belong to Five Classics?? The Book of History|The Book of Songs|The Book of Changes|The Great Learning

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      His wife _____his life for fear that he should be murdered. A: insured B: secured C: ensured D: assured