• 2022-05-27
    智慧职教: 74.The load test should be carried out on completion.
  • The load test should be carried out at the end.


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      - Who should be responsible for the accident? -Not the worker. They just carried out such a order their boss gave.

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      智慧职教: When checking out, you should return the keys.

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      Not all of those _____ takeovers continue to run the business they have bought. A: to be carried out B: carrying out C: being carried out D: carried out

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      This project is said ______ right now. So far everything is going on quite smoothly. A: to have carried out B: having been carried out C: to have been carried out D: to be being carried out

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      Projective tests includ( ). A: Rorschach Test B: Thematic Apperception Test C: Sentence Completion Test D: Drawing Test