• 2022-05-28
    But we do need a little freedom from our leashes _________.
  • on occasion


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      Why do we need pauses in our speeches? A: We need pauses to punctuate our speech. B: We need pauses so that listeners have time to take in the information. C: We need pauses to control the flow of speech. D: We need pauses to emphasize some points.

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      中国大学MOOC: (多选) Why do we need pauses in our speeches?

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      We need to do something to keep our classroom _____. A: cleaning B: clean C: cleaned

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      We should not rely on pocket calculators because ______.[A] they are not clever as our brains [C] they are harmful to our brains[B] we need to use our brains to prevent it from shrinking [D] we could not get enough practice on mathematics A: We should not rely on pocket calculators because ______. B: they are not clever as our brains C: they are harmful to our brains D: we need to use our brains to prevent it from shrinking [D] we could not get enough practice on mathematics

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      We need to __________ our camping things before we go away. A: choose from B: tell from C: sort out D: set out