• 2022-05-28
    The first paragraph tries to tell us how to control noise pollution by ______.
    A: taking measures to reduce human exposure to noise
    B: using or replacing with quieter products
    C: appealing to Government to set up laws
    D: people's serf consciousness
  • B


    • 0

      People waiting at an airport______. A: enjoy hearing airplanes taking off and landing B: are usually not troubled hy the noise C: can easily tell sound from noise D: are often physically affected by the noise

    • 1

      How can we reduce noise pollution? One method is to ___________________________; the other one is to _______________ ______________ we can’t stop.

    • 2

      The aim of our website is to control or reduce noise at work without stopping people from enjoying music.

    • 3

      People have to ______ noise pollution in big cities.

    • 4

      Exposure to high-pitched noise results in more errors than exposure to low-pitched noise