• 2022-05-28
    Who isn’t at home
    A: Tom.
    B: Mary.
    C: Jane.
  • C


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      看Jane 和Tom在聚会中的对话,判断他俩的关系,谁是主人,谁是客人。Tom: Hello, Jane. Welcome to my birthday!Jane: Hello, Tom. Happy birthday!Tom: Would you like something to eat?Jane: Apple, please.Tom: Here’s your apple, Jane.Jane: Thank you.Tom: You are welcome. Please help yourself.A.guest B. host(1) Jane is the .(2) Tom is the .

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      A: Let me introduce my friend Jane to you.B: Nice to meet you, Jane. Who was introduced(). A: You. B: You and Jane C: Jane.

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      Who is ill in hospital() A: Mary. B: Mary’s mother. C: Mary’s father.

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      M: Mary, why isn’t Tom working here this monthW: He was fired last month. Why did Tom leave here() A: He worked poorly and was dismissed. B: He missed his home very much. C: He wanted to leave.

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      Who found Tom’s youngest brother A: [A] The woman. B: A policeman. C: Tom.