- ①前去赴会②迟到入座③接到电话④即席发言⑤路遇熟人() A: 1—2—4—5—3 B: 1—2—3—4—5 C: 3—5—1—2—4 D: 3—1—5—2—4
- Questions 11-13 are based on the following dialogue. When is the man going to meet the woman A: 3:30 this afternoon. B: 4:00 this afternoon. C: 5:00 this afternoon. D: 5:30 this afternoon.
- Questions 11 ~ 13 are based on the following dialogue. When is the man going to meet the woman A: 3:30 this afternoon. B: 4:00 this afternoon. C: 5:00 this afternoon. D: 5:30 this afternoon.
- Inmostlanguages,agreetingisusuallyfollowedby“smalltalk”.Smalltalkmeansthelittlethingswetalkaboutatthestartofaconversation.InEnglish-speakingcountriespeopleoftenmakesmalltalkabouttheweather:"Niceday,isn’tit?""Terribleweather,isn’tit?"Butthereissomethingspecialaboutsmalltalk.Itmustbeaboutsomethingwhichbothpeoplehavethesameopinionabout.Thepurposeofsmalltalkistoletbothpeopleagreeonsomething.Thismakesmeetingpeopleeasierandmorecomfortable.Peopleusuallyagreeabouttheweather,soitisasafetopicforsmalltalk.ButpeopleoftendisagreeaboutreligionorpoliticssothesearenotsuitabletopicsforsmalltalkinEnglish.Thetopicsforsmalltalkalsodependonwheretheconversationistakingplace.Atfootballmatches,peoplemakesmalltalkaboutthegametheyarewatching:"Greatgame,isn’tit?"Atbus-stops,peoplemaycommentaboutthetransportsystem:"Thebusserviceisterrible,isn’tit?"Greetingsandsmalltalkareanimportantpartofconversationinanylanguage.Thewaypeoplegreeteachotherandthethingstheytalkabout,however,maybedifferentfromonelanguagetoanother.Thisshowsthatthereismuchmoretolearnwhenwelearnalanguagethanjustthevocabularyandthegrammarofthelanguage.Wealsohavetolearnthesocialbehaviorofthepeoplewhospeakit.
- 一个待排序的数据元素序列为{5, 4, 3, 2, 1},采用基本插入排序对其进行排序,以下( )是插入排序每一趟的结果。 A: 4 5 3 2 1 3 4 5 2 1 2 3 4 5 1 1 2 3 4 5 B: 5 4 3 1 2 5 4 1 2 3 5 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 C: 4 3 2 1 5 3 2 1 5 4 2 1 5 4 3 1 5 4 3 2 D: 4 5 3 2 1 2 3 4 5 1 3 4 5 2 1 1 2 3 4 5