• 2021-04-14
    please listen to the video in the website on the issue of social media and then answer the following questions (2分15秒-2分36秒) The elder man criticizes social media that it is the cause for the detached relationship among people nowadays, for social media would make people the following reasons except______
  • We start to communicate by social media in dinner.


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      Please listen to the video in the website on the issue of social media and then answer the following questions. According to what you have watched from the video, it is possible that social media is

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      please listen to the video in the website on the issue of social media and then answer the following questions (2分到2分14秒)The woman mentions that she doesn’t want the social media to run her life because______

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      please listen to the video in the website on the issue of social media and then answer the following questions (1分55秒到1分59秒)The woman mentions that social media__________

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      please listen to the video in the website on the issue of social media and then answer the following questions (2分36秒-2分49秒)The woman says that she loves social media because we are always evolving and changing, and social media helps us to ___________

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      please listen to the video in the website on the issue of social media and then answer the following questions (1分47秒-1分55秒)When the speaker here mentions that he feels that he is like a phony, he actually means that