Death on Christmas Eve:Why was Celia cleared of Jessie's murder at the inquest?
A: Celia was too beautiful to be a murderer.
B: Celia had bribed the cops.
C: There were no witnesses, there was a lack of evidence.
D: Celia was pretending to be Jessie.
A: Celia was too beautiful to be a murderer.
B: Celia had bribed the cops.
C: There were no witnesses, there was a lack of evidence.
D: Celia was pretending to be Jessie.
- Death on Christmas Eve: Why did the lawyer say, 'Jessie will always be with them'? A: Because Jessie was a spy. B: Because Celia and Charlie both loved Jessie too much. C: Because Celia, Charlie and Jessie were all dead. D: Because neither Celia nor Charlie could forget Jessie.
- Death on Christmas Eve: How was Celia like her mother? A: Her mother had also bribed the cops. B: Her mother had also murdered someone. C: Celia looked exactly like her mother, from her body to her clothes, and the way she acted with Charlie. D: Celia and her mother both loved Charlie.
- Death on Christmas Eve: Why was Al Sharp expecting the lawyer to come into his bar? A: Because the lawyer had been visiting the bar on the same day for the past 20 years. B: Because he belonged to the group of cops that Celia bribed. C: Because the lawyer had a drinking problem. D: Because AL Sharp was a crazy cop.
- Simon:I’mareporterfromtheHendonStandard.________<br/>Celia:Yes,IwasstandingattheendofElmAvenue,bythepark.<br/>Simon:Whathappened?<br/>Celia:Therewasaredvantravelingwest,andseveralcarsandvansbehindit. A: Wereyoupresentwhentheaccidenthappened? B: Wouldyoutellmewhatyouhaveseen? C: Whatasurprisetoseeyouhere! D: Didyoudoanythingspecialjustnow?
- —Would you like some more noodles, Celia? —Yes, just ______, please.
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____________ can be found among Shelley’s love lyrics. A: One Word is Too often Profaned B: When We Two Parted C: A Red, Red Rose D: Song to Celia
- 1
Man: Can you believe it Jessie told her boss he was wrong to have fired his marketing director. Woman: Yeah, but you know Jessie. If she has something in mind, everyone will know about it. Question: What does the woman mean A: Jessie always says what she thinks. B: Jessie seems to have a lot on her mind. C: Jessie is wrong to find fault with her boss. D: Jessie should know the marketing director better.
- 2
Jessie was praised ( ) what she had done. A: for B: to C: in D: from
- 3
Jessie's parasiling class was terrible.
- 4
It was Jessie's second parasailing class.