• 2022-05-28
    Because a heavy industry usually consume more energy than other kinds of industry, thus developing countries should
    A: Shut down heavy industry
    B: Strongly improve the energy efficiency of heavy industries
    C: Reduce the share of heavy industry in national economy
    D: No of the above
  • B


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      According to Mr. Barroso, heavy industry in the EU countries will(). A: stop being the biggest polluter B: be short of skilled workforce C: continue operating D: react with inaction

    • 1

      The estimates in [i]Economic Outlook[/i] show that in rich countries A: heavy industry becomes more energy-intensive. B: income loss mainly results from fluctuating crude oil prices. C: manufacturing industry has been seriously squeezed. D: oil price changes have no significant impact on GDP.

    • 2

      On the other hand, oil-importing emerging economies — to which heavy industry has shifted — have become more energy-intensive, and so could be more seriously [u]squeezed[/u]. A: 抓住 B: 打击 C: 压缩 D: 提出

    • 3

      Energy industry is the totality of all of the industries involved in the production and sale of energy, including fuel extraction, manufacturing, ( ) and distribution.

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      Of the following sectors in Britain, _________ has experienced spectacular growth since the end of WWII. A: the energy industry B: the manufacturing industry C: the service industry D: the agricultural industry