- <?php function values($price,$tax=""){ $price=$price+($price*$tax); echo "价格:$price";} values(50,0.25); ?>
- 写出下面PHP代码运行的输出结果____。$price = 12.567;echo sprintf("%'a5.2d", $price);
- The sales tax ________ price ________ price of any item you buy.
- 以下代码的输出结果是()。publicclassTest{publicstaticvoidmain(String[]args){double[]price=newdouble[5];price[0]=98.10;price[1]=32.18;price[2]=77.75;System.out.print((int)price[0]+""+(int)price[1]+""+(int)price[2]+""+(int)price[3]+""+(int)price[4]);}}
- A tax placed on a product causes the price the buyer pays A: . and the price the seller receives to be higher. B: . and the price the seller receives to be lower. C: . to be lower and the price the seller receives to be higher. D: . to be higher and the price the seller receives to be lower.