• 2022-05-28
  • 13.5


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      How much is the total price before tax?

    • 1

      Which of the following would increase quantity supplied, increase quantity demanded, and decrease the price that consumers pay? ( ) A: the imposition of a binding price floor . B: the removal of a binding price floor. C: the passage of a tax levied on producers. D: the repeal of a tax levied on producers .

    • 2

      写出下面语句的输出结果s = "价格是:"price = 19.9print(s+repr(price))

    • 3

      为查询Products表中,价格Price在5-10元之间的产品信息,请补全以下SELECT语句 SELECT ProductID,ProductName,Price FROM products WHERE_________ AND_________ A: price>=5,price<=10 B: price>5,price<10 C: price<=5,price<=10 D: price>=5,price>=10

    • 4

      Which of the following taxes is the tax out of the price?( ) A: VAT B: excise tax C: income tax D: tobacco tax