• 2022-05-26
    下列哪个选项是“我想归还这些书”的正确英文表述( )
    A: How much will I be fined?
    B: When are the books due back?
    C: I'd like to return these books.
    D: It's ten days overdue.
  • C


    • 0

      A:Do I have to take these books here if I want to ______them?B:You can _______ the books over the computer.以上对话中,A想续借这些书,表达续借的是下列哪个选项?

    • 1

      Careth: Good afternoon. I"ve just joined the library. How many books can I take out Eunice: You can take two books, and keep them for ten days. If you haven"t finished, you can renew them. Careth: How do I do that ______ Eunice: No, you can telephone. Tell us the titles of the books, and the date they are due for return. Eunice: These two books have been lended. A: Why can"t I keep them for a longer time B: Must I visit the library C: How much could I be fined D: Can I lend them to my friends

    • 2

      My books is due tomorrow, so I need to return the books to the _________. A: stationery store B: theater C: library

    • 3

      [听力原文]W: What kind of books do you like to readM: I used to read a lot of story books, but now I prefer books about cooking and art. What kind of books did the man use to like() A: Books about cooking. B: Books about art. C: Books about cooking and art. D: Story books.

    • 4

      As much as I’ve come to __________________ ___ e-books, and while I will continue to buy them, digital books just don’t deliver the same sort of __________________________ I get from reading physical books. Physical books are more _____________. Physical books make ___________________. Print books can be easily scribbled in and ___________. Print books ____________. Print books ___________.