A: top
B: cap
C: peak
D: summit
A: top
B: cap
C: peak
D: summit
- What is the summit of Mount Songshan?( ) A: the North Peak B: the Sounth Peak C: Zhurong Peak D: Junji Peak
- Leadersfromallovertheworldwillattendthe________conference. A: summit B: point C: peak D: climax
- Which peak is the best one to view the sunrise on the top of Mountain Huashan? A: The East Peak B: The South Peak C: The middle Peak D: The North Peak
- 7. A: ceiling B: top C: summit D: zenith
- “二十国集团领导人应对新冠肺炎特别峰会”的会议英文名称是: A: the Special G20 Leaders' Summit B: the Extraordinary G20 Leaders' Summit C: the Extraordinary G20 Leaders' Peak D: the Special G20 Leaders' Peak