• 2022-05-26
    Overeating cold and raw food can damage the spleen and stomach yang qi, resulting in internal cold and dampness, abdominal pain, diarrhea and other diseases.
  • 内容

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      Ma Huang Tang is a<br/>prescription that can ( ). A: tonify heart<br/>qi B: clear away heat and toxins C: relieve the excess cold syndrome D: replenish spleen qi E: smooth flow of liver qi

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      People avoid cold drinks and raw food, because they believe they are to digest (v. 消化)

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      A surging pulse indicates ____. A: internal retention of phlegm-fluid B: exuberance of internal heat C: deficiency of qi and blood D: food retention in the stomach

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      The patient, a 38-year-old male, suffered from repeated epigastric pain for many years, and suddenly developed severe abdominal pain with abdominal muscle tension in a plate-like abdomen. The most likely cause was: A: Acute cholecystitis B: Perforation of stomach or duodenum C: Acute pancreatitis D: Rupture of spleen E: Rupture of kidney

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      Depression is usually caused by (). A: Spleen qi stagnation B: Stomach qi stagnation C: Liver qi stagnation D: Kidney qi stagnation