• 2022-05-26
    A: interested
    B: troubled
    C: annoyed
    D: anxious
  • C


    • 0

      The young girl is not ______ with her present job, and she has decided to find a more challenging one. A: content B: interested C: excited D: anxious

    • 1

      Shewas()whatshehadwrittensoastomakethethemestandoutmoreclearly. A: repairing B: revising C: remedying D: reforming

    • 2

      shewas(puzzle)() A: girl B: woman C: problem D: mystery

    • 3

      Shewas longing forsomepeace and__________.

    • 4

      —Iam______inthis______movie. A: [] B: interested;interesting C: interested;interested D: interesting;interesting E: interesting;interested