• 2022-05-28
    7. They’ll have to _________ their political differences and find a solution.
    A: put on
    B: put up
    C: put off
    D: put aside
  • D


    • 0

      The appointment was _________because of his illness. A: put aside B: taken off C: put off D: put on

    • 1

      A lot of tall buildings have been ______ in the city in the last few years. A: put up B: put on C: put out D: put off

    • 2

      A lot of people moved to the country because they couldn’t ________the heavy pollution in the city.A)put out B) put up with C) put away D) put off A: put out B: put up with C: put away D: put off

    • 3

      You need to use a ladder to the posters. A: put up B: put on C: put in D: put off

    • 4

      The flight is ____ due to the bad weather. A: put up B: put down C: put on D: put off