• 2022-05-28
    Which of the following issues belong to Kluckhohn and Strodtbeck’s value orientations theory?
    A: Relationships between humans
    B: Time orientation
    C: Personal space
    D: Human nature
  • A,B,D


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      中国大学MOOC: According to Kluckhohn and Strodtbeck’s theory the orientations to the question about relationship between humanity and its natural environment include the following except .

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      According to Kluckhohn and Strodtbeck’s theory the orientations to the question about relationship between humanity and its natural environment include the following except . A: mastery B: submission C: harmony D: being-in-becoming

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      Clyde and Florence Kluckhohn insturct us to get at the root of any culture's value system from___________. A: Human nature orientation B: Man-nature orientation C: Time orientation D: Activity orientation E: Social orientation

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      The value orientations proposed by Kluckhohn and Strodtbeck include

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      In Kluckhohn and Strodtbeck’s Value Orientation, the value orientation of Man-Nature tries to classify the world cultures by look at what?