• 2022-05-28
    ( ) refer to product for which there is no demand--at least under current marketing practices.
  • Dead inventory


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      Which of the following marketing management concepts is most likely to lead to marketing myopia? A: customer-driven marketing concept B: customer-driving marketing concept C: product concept D: marketing concept

    • 1

      The equilibrium price is a point at which buyers’ demand for a product and sellers’ supply of it are in balance.

    • 2

      Which one is not the element of marketing mix? A: Product B: Place C: Promotion D: Planning

    • 3

      At least 100 million people are ____________; 600 million people live under the conditions which are threatening _______________________.

    • 4

      The biggest difference between integrated marketing and traditional marketing is that the former takes ( ) as the starting point to think about marketing problems systematically. A: Customer demand B: Investment demand C: Demand for sustainable development D: Profit demand