• 2022-05-28
    On a map, an east-west street is called a street and a north-south street is called________.[br][/br] (在地图上,东西走向的街道叫street,而南北走向的街道叫_________。)
    A: an avenue
    B: a street
    C: a road
  • A


    • 0

      中国大学MOOC: In the road sign “Xinhua Street (No.1)”, “Xinhua” is the ________ name of the road, and “Street” is the __________ name of the road.

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      (______ )<br/>and The Wall Street Journal

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      Nanjing Road is the (busy) street in Shanghai.

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      What is the name of the street, which is the heart of London 's Chinatown? A: Gerrard street B: Tablet street

    • 4

      I was walking in the street when I heard my _________. A: to call B: to be called C: called D: calling