• 2022-05-28
    Which of the following is actively monitored ( )
    A: Legal infectious disease reporting system
    B: Investigation of underreporting of infectious diseases carried out by
    the health and epidemic prevention department
    C: Behavioral risk factor monitoring
    D: Hospital-based monitoring system
    E: Monitoring of single diseases such as influenza, AIDS, hemorrhagic
    fever, typhoid fever, etc.
  • B


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      According to Aleem Walji, the company’s first project is to________ . A: set up a new system to warn people of infectious diseases B: find out where infectious diseases develop C: dentify the causes of infectious diseases D: cure patients of infectious diseases

    • 1

      The monitoring and control of epidemic diseases should follow the principle of ( ). A: prevention first B: Treatment first C: Self breeding D: scientific rearing

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      _____ is used to detect faults in the cylinder. A: The cylinder condition monitoring system B: The oil mist density monitoring system C: The oil viscosity monitoring system D: The oil temperature monitoring system

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      Which<br/>one is the precipitating factor of disseminated intravascular<br/>coagulation-DIC?() A: Infectious<br/>diseases B: Severe<br/>hepatic diseases C: Massive<br/>trauma and surgery D: Obstetric<br/>conditions E: Malignant<br/>tumors

    • 4

      Which<br/>one is the precipitating factor of disseminated intravascular<br/>coagulation ()?() A: Infectious<br/>diseases B: Severe<br/>hepatic diseases C: Massive<br/>trauma and surgery D: Obstetric<br/>conditions E: Malignant<br/>tumors