With a fuzzy search you can find...
- With a fuzzy search you can find... A: only terms that contain more than one word, e.g. 'color cartridge'. B: terms you have misspelled in your search or a transposed form of the term in your search. C: fuzzy matches in a translation memory. D: all terms that contain a particular string.
- With the plus ( + ) sign added to the search string, a search engine can ______. A: omit all the irrelevant information B: find pages containing all the words or phrases in the search string C: give you only very limited information D: sometimes find no hits
- What can you find in job search websites A: Letters to introduce you. B: Examples of interview conversations. C: Interviewers of the companies you want.
- Nowhere else in the world ______ a place that beautiful. A: do you find B: you can find C: can you find D: you will find
- 中国大学MOOC: On the website of the ChinaScholarshipCouncil you can enter the country and your identity to search overseas study programs and find the procedures and requirements.