• 2022-05-28
    Note-taking can distract you from listening to lectures.( )
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      Which of the following statements about note taking are correct? ( ) A: Applying indentation and shift means each component of the notes should form a diagonal axis, working from left to right. B: One should note down things that can jog the memory. C: One should note down as many things as possible. D: Symbols can be used in note taking.

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      7. Learner-centered Teaching is a teaching approach where students are required to take on passive learner roles and responsibilities beyond listening passively to instructors’ lectures and taking notes.

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      You can improve your listening skill by listening to English songs.

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      Which of the following is NOT mentioned in our lectures as the aid when you need to predict the content before listening? </p> </p>

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      What do you use the software of Note-express for?( ) A: for literature searching and management B: for reading novels C: for listening to lectures