• 2022-05-28
    Etiquette is the way to _ in a certain situation.
  • act


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      It is certain that the way people communicate is the way they live.

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      I have no way yet as to deal with such a __________ situation.

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      It was amazing()she managed to stay calm in such a situation. A: her way B: by way C: the ways D: the way

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      中国大学MOOC: That newspaper has a very good _____ of the situation of the political situation.

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      Malinowski also distinguishes three types of situation. The first type is the situation in which speech interrelates with ( ) activity. <br/>The second type is the ( ) situation—the situation of the ( ) of narration and the situation referred to by the ( ). The last type of situation is the situation in which speech is used to fill a speech vacuum—( ).<br/>______