• 2022-05-28
    You determine your vessel’s position by taking a range and bearing to a buoy.Your position will be plotted as a(n)().
    A: Running fix
    B: Fix
    C: Dead-reckoning position
    D: Estimated positio
  • D


    • 0

      The interviewer can determine ___________ your background and potential fit the position for ___________ you are applying. (whether / how); (what / which)

    • 1

      At 0400 your vessel is dead in the water and in heavy fog. Your loran set fixes your position at LAT 4100b012.1’N,LONG 7200b043.5’W. Bottom samples are taken and indicate a composition of soft mud and shell. Your fathometer reads 40 feet. If the vessel draws 9 feet of water,which of the following is TRUE?()

    • 2

      Through ever-greater progress to make in your work, you will definitely get a ______ position in your career.

    • 3

      固定定位position属性为 A: fix B: fixed C: elative D: left

    • 4

      You should target your personal statement to ____ job position or project.