• 2022-05-28
    The English novel is quite easy for you. There are____new words in it.
    A: a little
    B: little
    C: a few
    D: few
  • D


    • 0

      Wait a minute. I have _______ words to say at the meeting. A: a few B: few C: little D: a little

    • 1

      I bought ( )books with ( ) money. A: a few, a few B: a little, a few C: a little, a little D: a few, a little

    • 2

      Having lived in Beijing for quite ________ years, Mr. Park had little difficulty understanding spoken Chinese. A: few B: a few C: little D: a little

    • 3

      —Can you speak Russian—Yes.but only. A: little B: a little C: few D: a few

    • 4

      My sister has__________friends at school.But she has__________good friends. A: few,a few B: a few,few C: little,a little D: a little,little