Two countries engaged in trade in products with no scale economies, produced under conditions of perfect competition, are likely to be engaged in()
A: monopolistic competition.
B: inter-industry trade.
C: intra-industry trade.
D: Heckscher-Ohlin trade.
E: None of the above.
A: monopolistic competition.
B: inter-industry trade.
C: intra-industry trade.
D: Heckscher-Ohlin trade.
E: None of the above.
- When a country both exports and imports a type of commodity, the country is engaged in( ) A: inter-industry trade B: increasing returns to scale C: intra-industry trade D: imperfect competition E: an attempt to monopolize the relevant industry
- Intra-industry trade is most common in the trade patterns of() A: developing countries of Asia and Africa. B: industrial countries of Western Europe. C: all countries. D: North-South trade.
- 中国大学MOOC: In the model of monopolistic competition, trade costs between countries cause ____________.
- Which of the following is a TRUE statement? A: Everyone benefits from free trade. B: Only exporters benefit from trade. C: All producers benefit from trade and but not all consumers benefit. D: Free trade harms domestic producers of goods that face import competition.
- To the country of production or the country of consumption, the trade made through the third country is indirect trade; to the third country, it is entrepot trade.