• 2022-05-28
    Queen Victoria was Queen of England during the period from______.
    A: 1066 to 1089
    B: 1819 to 1901
    C: 1558 to 1603
    D: 1837 to 1901
  • D


    • 0

      British Empire reached its peak in with the Coronation of Vivtoria the queen of India A: 1819 B: 1837 C: 1876 D: 1900

    • 1

      Queen Victoria ruled England for more than 60 years, the time was called the (    ) .

    • 2

      When Queen Elizabeth I died in 1603, who was the next in line to the thrones of England and Ireland? A: King Henry VIII of England B: Queen Elizabeth II C: King James VI of Scotland D: King Charles I of England

    • 3

      谁被称作The Virgin Queen A: Queen Elizabeth I B: Queen Victoria

    • 4

      Queen Victoria was called the nine-day Queen in English histroy.