• 2022-05-28
    Why doesn’t the woman accept the job
    A: Because she won’t have enough time to take care of her baby with the job.
    B: Because she will always go to other places on business.
    C: Because it’s not well paid.
  • A


    • 0

      Why can't Lucy go to the cinema with George? A: Because she has to go shopping. B: Because she doesn't like movies.

    • 1

      Why can’t Sally play A: Because she doesn’t like to. B: Because she has to help her mother. C: Because she is having a party.

    • 2

      Why can’t the woman go to the party A: Because she is sick. B: Because she has to go to the International Students’ Association. C: Because she has to work. D: Because she does not want to go.

    • 3

      Why doesn’t the woman like swimming in the triathlon? A: Because she fears that a big fish might eat her. B: Because she fears that she would get lost in lakes. C: Because she doesn’t want to scare away small fishes. D: Because she doesn’t like swimming with many people.

    • 4

      Why does Jane want to leave her present job A: Because she does not like the job. B: Because she want to do something different. C: Because she does not want to live outside London.